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Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« inserita:: 29 Agosto 2012, 13:14:29 »


Meisterschaftsstand Championat AI 2012



Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #1 inserita:: 05 Novembre 2012, 13:08:15 »

RESULTS 7^ PROVA  DEM     Novemberpokal Woltersdorf 2012 04.11.2012

THE Woltersdorf 2012 - "November trophy" brilliant season!

Woltersdorf presented itself as an absolutely worthy host for the final round of the German Enduro Championship 2012. Paddock Parc Ferme and were housed in the town center and it took off in front of the town hall. Also, on the eve discharged, Prolog under the lights came with drivers and spectators alike to good!
And also on the actual day of competition tore the enthusiasm does not. No wonder, since the MC Woltersdorf had spared no effort to stake out two long and demanding tests. Especially the first special stage, with a journey time of about eleven minutes, it had in itself. It went down hill and down dale, through woods, over meadow, driveways and high slopes. A test which of his characteristics in Germany is without equal!

Class E1
While in the E2 and E3, the new champion already fixed since the last run in Dachsbach stand, was in the E1 still wide open. Dennis Schröter, Andreas Beier and Edward Huebner had a chance at the championship crown, because just four meters apart was the trio.

Accordingly, the three men went on the offensive in advance finite prologue works. Place two to four championships in the ranking was the result. But they stole the show at first Christian Brockel, who was not only man of the evening with a fabulous couple, but consequently also took over the leadership E1. That would have could play the infamous tip the scales.
But the following day Christian got right in the first round pressed five second penalty for shortening in the exam what the Husaberg rider was mighty pissed. "In the first round were hardly trail as I slid straight into a curve about it I clearly slowed down and me not gain an advantage. " He was not the only one who for such an offense was given a five-second penalty. Overall it covered ten DEM driver, but at No one had such drastic consequences. "As a result I lost my third place", so angry Christian.

Dennis Schröter than E1 leader arrived in Woltersdorf, determined this position no longer leave. Accordingly, he went to work researching, a best time to burn after the other into the ground. In the end, the Husqvarna rider superior winner of Woltersdorfer Pokales November 2012, which was at the awards ceremony, in the form of an oversized traveling trophy, awarded separately again.
"Today was a really good day for me. I was surprised that it went so well. I'm really happy about my E1 title! Fact that it has not passed through the technical failure to championship title bothers me now little moment. This is history and even more motivation for 2013, grab it finally! "

# 57 Dennis Schröter

The runner-up went to Andreas Beier, who with a brilliant fighting spirit came second day rank. In the test, two KTM riders touched unhappy with the left hand a limiting post. This painful collision was unfortunately not without consequences. "There was a tremendous blow, the Handguards splintered into several pieces and my left hand was numb. Luckily came the feeling again relatively quickly, only my little finger was numb. On the next straight look I had to know if this ever was still there, "Andi had to admit, a little smile at the finish. "About the runner I am extremely happy. I think that was the optimum, which I achieved this year," said Andi, before he set out immediately to the hospital for x-rays.

# 1 Andreas Beier

Third day was Edward Huebner, thus ultimately meant third place in the championship. "We've made some changes to the bike since I Dachsbach not quite 100% were satisfied with it. Today my Yamaha again ran like clockwork. I have not done anything wrong. I felt good was the limit and properly good about it. But the others were for some reason, just faster, "said Eddi thoughtfully easily.

# 48 Edward Huebner

Fourth place went to Christian Brockel. In fifth Jörg Haustein, which followed a rather mixed season on the two-strokes, the season finale again put on a 250 four-stroke KTM.

For the existing 'champion Marcus Kehr, today was just a matter of bringing the championship title to dry land. And he accomplished this task with confidence. Thus his grows anyway to already record-breaking collection of titles to a total of DEM 10 titles, 8 championship titles and 8 wins with the team. That make a total of 26 DEM title, matching his number in this year's EWC and DEM.
"The three titles were announced, three have won. What more could I want?" enthused the KTM riders, "today was a really great event, I was in previous years, at the start. So I am delighted that the event has received this year, the DEM predicate. It is definitely a enrichment for the entire championship! " And this view Marcus underlined nochmalig at the awards ceremony in a short speech, for which he earned from the large turnout in the audience applause.

# 126 Marcus Kehr

The runner-up was, as last year to Marco Neubert on KTM. He also appeared on "November Cup" in Woltersdorf absolutely thrilled. "It was really great fun to drive here, the tests were great, no question about it only with my performance, I'm not quite satisfied especially with the view of the.. Daily Champion. "

# 118 Marco Neubert

Davide von Zitzewitz finished his first, almost complete, enduro season (the opener in Uelsen he left off) off with another podium finish. The KTM riders can safely describe as a shooting star last season. THE two-day victories, fourth place in the final as well as a strong first Six Days participation, where he graduated as the best German Junior speak a clear language.

Fourth day Christian Weiß had caught an unlucky day. In a crash on the stage he fought shoulder to fingers and painful. There were also briefly problems with the electrics in his Husky. "But that's all forgotten now, I'm third in the championship and that's important," enthused Christian.

# 144 Christian Weiß

Fifth Bert Meyer, before a strong Dirk Peter was on six. Sascha Meyhoff had to cope with a failure again, which cost him a place in the Championship.

Free from any pressure, Derrick Gorner excelled all the rules of art. Renewed day victory and a third place in the championship scoring meant for the Husaberg riders, the best result of the season! "I just wanted to even see what is going on when you can purely fully respected without pressure. Early as last night's prologue I wanted to put everything but ended in a crash. Today all around, everything went perfectly. Great event, great track, great day!"

# 203 Derrick Görner

In second place a new face on the podium. Jan Schaefer was already in Castle very close, to finish among the top three. Today, it has the third trophy of 2010 now folded at last. "The tests I have just located it was really fun and I got through without error," said his statement.

# 244 Jan Schäfer

Not only is the battle for the E1 title was very exciting, even the duel for the E3-runner promised explosiveness. Nick and Mark Emmrich Risse before the finals were separated by just two points. After an open slugfest Mark was eventually third day, Nick fourth. That meant equal points in the championship. However, due to better individual rankings of the runner went to Mark Risse: "season goal was top three, now I'm second, and of course very happy especially before the last test I was very nervous, not that I did on the last meters throw away.! , eventually everything went very close. "concluded the Gas Gas rider.

# 204 Mark Risse

Nick remained Emmrich, with nine seconds behind fourth day, which was the runner-up for too little. "It's very unfortunate, but not change it. Actually, I'm pretty good with the tests come cope, but unfortunately I was a bit too slow" so "Emme" slightly bent.

Now it is once for all, for a very rich autumn event, to breathe vigorously before the course is set for the new season. THE traditionally begins in Lower Saxony Itterbeck, near Uelsen. Deadline is the 10th March 2013!

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